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Syracuse University Corporate and Foundation Relations forges new links between faculty, students, staff and leading organizations in the private and nonprofit sectors.

If you’re in search of funding, you’re in the right place. Together, we can drive social and economic impact in our changing society. Our office manages a portfolio of hundreds of corporations and foundations that give to higher education. Our team can:

  • Provide insight into the latest funding trends and existing relationships with external partners
  • Give feedback on research and project ideas
  • Assist with the development and submission of applications
  • Help you navigate University policies and procedures

Working with our office can greatly increase your chances of securing funding. If you are unsure if you should work with Corporate and Foundations Relations, or want the full list of our managed accounts, please email

Frequently Asked Questions

Working with our office can greatly increase your chances of securing funding. If you are unsure if you should work with Corporate and Foundations Relations, or want the full list of our managed accounts, please email

Please contact us to begin your project. There are many different offices at Syracuse University that can help you realize your funding goals. We coordinate across campus to make sure you get the appropriate level of support. If you provide us with some details about your idea, we can put you in touch with the right people, whether they’re on our team or elsewhere.

Our team members have experience working with a wide range of funders, faculty and University partners. We can share the elements of successful past proposals and can collaborate with you to workshop new proposals.

Reach out to a member of our staff or, if you’re unsure whom to contact, email Our team is part of the Division of Advancement and External Affairs, with offices located at 640 Skytop Road on the second floor.